Movement Habits for a Happier Easter Easter is just around the corner and many of us look forward to catching up with friends, family and loved... 26 March, 2024
Exercise for Gut Health and Immunity HOW DOES EXERCISE HELP WITH GUT HEALTH AND IMMUNITY? The many wonders of the gastrointestinal tract are sparking interest amid researchers... 20 March, 2024
How Can Exercise Improve Your Mental Health? October 10th is World Mental Health Day! It’s pretty hard to imagine that there was a time not too long... 06 October, 2023
4 Ways to Reduce Stress With our ever-stressed, fast-paced lifestyles, our bodies are pumping out cortisol almost constantly. This can wreak havoc on our health.... 24 July, 2023
The connection between ageing, mental health and exercise As we age, we are faced with many new challenges in life (both physical and mental!). Our bodies and minds... 07 September, 2022
How exercise can help those with bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a serious, lifelong mental health condition that affects about one in 50 Australians. Women are more likely... 24 August, 2022
Exercise your brain for optimal thinking Cognition, or thinking skills, are the mental processes our brain performs so we can acquire knowledge, understand and interact with... 15 March, 2022
Exercising for mental health instead of weight loss For so many women, exercise has become a form of punishment. It’s all about weight loss or changing your appearance.... 06 September, 2021
Exercise For Healthy Brains We all know that exercise is one of the main ways to improve our health and wellbeing as we age.... 22 July, 2021
Schizophrenia and Exercise Schizophrenia is a complex brain disorder estimated to affect approximately 1% of the population. Onset usually happens in adolescence or... 14 April, 2021