26 Mar Movement Habits for a Happier Easter
Easter is just around the corner and many of us look forward to catching up with friends, family and loved ones, and often celebrating with delicious food! However, for some it can be a more stressful and busy time, rather than enjoyable or relaxing.
Typically, we eat more and exercise less over Easter – and this is normal! Maybe it’s a busy week with lots of preparations and you feel like you just don’t have time or maybe you tend to feel a little more stressed and as though you need to exercise to “burn more calories” or “earn your food”.
Ultimately, a change in your diet and exercise routine for just a few days will not alter your health or appearance in any major way. Easter is a time to be enjoyed and it shouldn’t be seen as a way to feel bad about your health, diet or wellbeing.
Whether you’re feeling anxious about being out of your regular routine, eating differently than you perhaps normally would or maybe you have a busy long weekend planned, ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Karla Bosnar, has put together a comprehensive list of simple but achieveable habits to help you have a happier Easter.
We are more likely to do something if it’s planned and in our calendar.
Often when something is in our calendar it feels more “official”. As it may be a busier time with religious celebrations, family events, or vacations, planning your week ahead, setting yourself up for success and blocking out time for exercise will help the week go much smoother!
If you’re spending a weekend away, look up parks, walking trails, hikes, bike tracks or beaches beforehand.
An important thing to remember over Easter is every little thing counts. So if you only have time for a 5-minute walk in the morning, or if you don’t have any time at all over Easter to exercise, that’s okay too!
To help you plan out your exercise, use our free Exercise Right Workout Planner.
Letting go of “perfection” is one of the most important things when enjoying celebrations like Easter. Getting in a 30-minute session or walk is better than nothing at all. Many of us will be out of our regular routines and will therefore struggle to incorporate exercise or follow the same diet we usually do.
Just because you might not be able to fit in your usual exercise doesn’t mean you have to eat less or exercise more before or after Easter to “make up” for it.
Some simple ways to incorporate movement into your routine over Easter are to play in the yard with your family, go for a walk or bike ride with your friends, get in a swim before the weather gets too cold, or get your family involved in an Easter egg hunt.
Just moving will make a world of difference to your overall health, mood and mental health, leading to a happier and more enjoyable Easter.
This is one of the best tips for experiencing a more satisfying and relaxing Easter.
These days we often struggle to be fully present and enjoy time with our loved ones to its fullest potential. Many of us are busy, distracted and rushing which often leads to decreased enjoyment and increased stress.
If you can incorporate movement and exercise into your Easter weekend, it’s a great way to decrease stress. In fact, those who engage in physical activity for just 15 minutes a day have a significantly lower risk of experiencing depression and anxiety – by up to 20%.
This one’s for those who may feel guilty about a change in their diet and feel the need to do extra sessions for the sole purpose of “earning” their food.
The ability to move our bodies is a gift and it should never feel like a “punishment” or a chore. Remind yourself it’s only a couple of days and soon enough you’ll be back to your usual routine. Focus on maintaining a healthy relationship with exercise by seeing it as a way to benefit your physical and mental health, rather than a way to change your appearance.
Remember: It’s about what you do for the other 365 days of the year – not what you do over a 4-day weekend. In other words, if you maintain a balanced diet and a regular exercise routine most of the time, you’re doing all the right things and your health will thank you for it.
The mental health benefits of relaxing and getting out of our usual routine every now and then can’t be understated either. Whether you’re going away or having a stay-cation over Easter, taking the time to relax, enjoy every little bit of food and spend time with your loved ones will provide great mental health and social benefits for you.
There are a range of ways to get movement into your day during Easter, whether it’s a family hike, Easter egg hunt, or trip to the beach.
Exercise isn’t just about training at the gym, and with public holidays and potential gym closures, it’s possible that going to the gym might not be an option for you at all over Easter.
Some other movement ideas are to:
- Garden or do housework with your loved ones
- Take your family or kids to the local park
- Play backyard soccer or cricket
- Go for a walk and pick up rubbish along the way
- Head to your local courts for a game of basketball, netball or tennis
- Utilise our at-home exercise videos and get moving with your family
Exercise is one of the most crucial elements of our health, not just physically but also mentally.
Physical activity provides a wide range of benefits such as:
- Improving the connection between brain, body and systems such as the nervous system
- Reducing your risk of heart and brain disease
- Lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers
- Reducing your risk of dementia, stroke and early death
- Strengthening bones, muscles and joints
- Improving your mental health by decreasing stress and anxiety
Don’t forget, if you need extra support when exercising, or if you’re unsure how to exercise right for your health, find your local accredited exercise professional.
The most trustworthy source to turn to when it comes to exercise is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP). Accredited Exercise Physiologists are university-qualified and are experts in the prescription of exercise. They will work with you to find the best exercises for your ability, wants and needs!
If you’re not sure if an Accredited Exercise Physiologist is right for you, find out more here about how to find the right exercise professional for you.
Written by Karla Bosnar (ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Accredited Exercise Scientist).