What is men’s biggest excuse for not exercising?

We recently undertook a survey of our exercise experts and they were asked a simple question:What do you find to be the most common excuses among male clients for not exercising?


Out of the six options we provided for them, there were two clear stand outs (we use the word stand out loosely!)


Lack of Motivation 68%

We have a WINNER – yes, lack of motivation was the top dog with a total of 68%. We all know motivation can be the biggest issue when it comes to getting up and out. When moving around isn’t as easy as it was we don’t blame you.

The key thing here is to find YOUR motivation – what is the one thing that will get you moving again?

Most people move for a reason: to stay healthy, to help lose weight, to be able to keep up with the grandkids or maybe it is just to get a bit of unapologetic “me time” away from the house or work.

You need to take the time to think about what will snap you into action.


Lack of Time 62%

Yes, coming in a second place was the excuse of not having enough time. Time can be a relative thing for each person, but the fact of the matter is, there are 24 hours in a day and you can’t find 30 minutes to just move in some shape or form?

30 minutes is 2% of your day. TWO PERCENT! You spend more time eating, watching TV and travelling to work.

What you have to do is look at how you spend your day, work out where you have the free time in your schedule, make a plan and commit to it. We’re not saying start marathon training, we are saying find 30 minutes throughout the day to move that body.

Lack of Interest 29%

What a sad, sad excuse. Are you not interested in improving your health? You should be. When we spoke to these experts we mostly found that men weren’t interested because they assumed exercise means running. That is simply NOT true.

Exercise can come in all shapes and forms, and it is SO important that you find what you enjoy.

If you like flying solo maybe take up swimming, hiking or a round of golf. If you like being with mates why not give tennis, dragon boating or orienteering a go? The possibilities are endless and there is so much out there to suit all ages and conditions.

What else?

The final excuses that finished up the six reasons were – lack of physical ability 20%, limited access to physical activity options 13% and blaming the weather 7%.

When we grilled those surveyed they gave us a few other reasons that they thought were valid. The majority of these were around either having no idea what exercise to do or having an injury or condition that stopped them moving.

Good news, we have over 5,000 Accredited exercise professionals that can help you to get started and exercise right for your needs… Click here to find one near you!


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